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Brake Jobs & Brake Repairs | RM Automotive Inc.The right brake parts can help your car stop up to 20 feet sooner!

Northridge Brake Service

Brakes are one of the most important safety systems in your vehicle. Brake jobs done right can allow your car to stop up to 20 feet sooner. That’s important when it comes to an emergency stop. This article highlights:

  • How a proper brake job maximizes your car’s stopping ability.
  • How your different options for brake jobs can affect your car’s stopping ability.
  • How RM Automotive is your best choice for Brake Repairs and Service in the San Fernando Valley.

How a proper Honda, Acura, Lexus, Toyota, Scion, Nissan, Infiniti, Hyundai, Kia, Subaru or Mazda brake job maximizes your car’s stopping ability.

Did you know the right brake pads can help your car stop a full 20 feet sooner? That’s right. There are certainly differences in the brake material. Those differences can substantially increase your car’s ability to stop faster.

The mechanic and shop personnel make decisions when performing brake service and repairs for your vehicle. Some choose the least expensive route and that can come at a cost in the long run.

How different options affect your car’s stopping distance

Brake Jobs & Brake Repairs | RM Automotive Inc. image #2Use only high quality brake pads, it makes a difference!

Brake pads can vary significantly in costs. It is important to use the very best brake pads and shoes for YOUR particular vehicle. Each car manufacturer recommends (and sometimes requires) specific types of brake material and parts. Sometimes this means that we use the genuine manufacturer’s parts. But whatever is used, it must meet the minimum requirements.

Also, how the rotors are turned (resurfaced) is also of critical importance. Some auto repair companies cut corners on their equipment and their staff qualifications to deliver a low price. This may not optimize your cars stopping power, though.

To maximize your car’s stopping ability, it is important for the company and technician to make the right choices and to deliver their service in the best manner possible.

How RM Automotive is your best choice for Honda, Acura, Lexus, Toyota, Scion, Nissan, Infiniti, Hyundai, Kia, Subaru and Mazda brake repairs and service

  1. The Right Parts. We use the very best, most fitting brake pads, shoes and other components for your brake services. We strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. When it is called for, we use original equipment parts. We don’t sacrifice on a lesser priced part, because we have found with brakes, lesser price equals lesser quality. Our choices give you the optimal stopping distance, longer life and intervals between brake jobs, and quieter braking.
  2. Excellent Technicians. Our technicians are very well trained and experienced to perform your brake job. This is important because you NEED a careful and expert person looking over such an important area of your car. Your safety, and that of others, depend on our technical abilities. Don’t cut corners with the brake shops that hire inexperienced people to work on your car. It’s not the right thing to do.
  3. Specialists in Honda, Acura, Lexus, Toyota, Scion, Nissan, Infiniti, Hyundai, Kia, Subaru and Mazda. We only work on these brands, so we know them as good (or better) than the dealerships. We know which parts work the best for your car. We know the particulars of your car. And we know how to do it right the first time.
  4. The Right Equipment. Some equipment simply gives you a much better brake job than others. This specialized pieces of equipment allow us to turn the rotors on your car instead of removing them. This delivers a more true and perfect surface for braking. Some shops even send your rotors to other companies which creates a question of quality.

The bottom line is you can trust RM Automotive for your brake service and repairs in Northridge on your Honda, Acura, Lexus, Toyota, Scion, Nissan, Infiniti, Hyundai, Kia, Subaru and Mazda.